New partnership: RedBloods

It's with great pride that I announce you our new partnership with RedBloods.
Initially, Migdelta came to offer me a partnership between our two structures, to help us a little out of us. But now, faced with our financial needs and unfortunately not finding enough support, RedBloods becomes beyond a mere partner, a sponsor in its own right.
If we can project until the end of the year, it is thanks to RedBloods, that I thank sincerely.
I take this opportunity to thank all the generous donors who participated in our prize pool.
Some may wonder what RedBloods is, so here's a little presentation:
We are the team Redbloods, a team eSport has been on the scene since 2011. We are a non-profit law association 1901, whose interest would be to popularize eSports around the world and more specifically in Europe and France. Founded by Kaï MAGNIER aka Migdelta, his dream is to bring together players from all walks of life with a common passion for video games.
If RedBloods can give us this support, it is thanks to the company Carve, specialized in communication and advertising, thanks to them!
We will announce joint actions with RedBloods in the coming months, remember to follow us on Twitter.