Good bye, and thank you <3

Marounda, November 13 2021 11:24 PM

You just noticed it on Twitter but unfortunatly our machines for CS:GO burnt in the tragic fire in Strasbourg.

It’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. It discouraged the staff but also Shutt, the vice president and founder of the MERILETFOU team and I (Marounda, president and founder of the MERILETFOU team).

I never wanted to make money, our accounts have always been fair and it has always been difficult for me to maintain sponsors over time. I always correctly asked what we needed for our various projects (sponsored teams, servers, miscellaneous costs), in order to be fair and transparent with them and compensate for the lack of very random VIPs. Thank you to them for following us during all these years !

We always tried to use the high-end machines from SoYouStart (game-3 lately), it had a cost, but you obviously felt the quality of this choice, and it was gratifying for us. And above all, we never overloaded a machine, which was guarantee of quality!

The sponsors do not longer follow enough, the VIP either and our motivation even less...

We embarked on this adventure in September 2014 (7 years ago!) Which is huge for a structure like ours. MER IL ET FOU was above all a community project, in order to satisfy the CS: GO community (Shutt has never played CS:GO and I stopped playing it more than 3 years ago), by trying to bring you what was missing in 2014 : quality training servers, (where profit was not an objective) (yuck ads!).

It was a wonderdul, based on meetings (some positive, other negative), many volunteers took part in the adventure and I would like to thank them all for everything.

I remember that we have exceeded the million unique players on our servers, it is a very strong symbolic figure for me, this project was therefore doomed to a great success, thanks to all of you (players and volunteers).
However, the MER IL ET FOU adventure is coming to an end ...

Thank you again to all, maybe we will meet one day around a new project!

In the meantime, our TeamSpeak server (ts.meriletfou.fr) remains open to all, as well as our Site/Forum (https://meriletfou.fr/).



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